Buying a Car vs Buying a Painting

Does choosing between a painting or a car together, seem like a valid argument? Are these two purchases categorically impossible to compare? Off the bat for sure. It is quite absurd to even think about the pros and cons of either side of the coin. But, what if we dive into the matter at hand and break it down to reach a conclusion? Aye! Aye! Let’s proceed!

A portrait of cars or lakhs on real cars?

1. car v/s painting - Relevance with Time:

Have you ever wondered about the stark contrasts in terms of the relevance with time factor of the two purchases? It is funny really, an 'X' version of a car will always, always get beaten by new arrivals in the market and ironically gets outdated by the parent company itself as a result of them releasing newer versions of 'X'. As soon as this happens, it gets stamped by the dreaded "outdated" tag and it's story pretty much comes to an end henceforth. Such is the world we live in, let alone the industry. On the other hand, a painting? Like a fine wine, it will always rise in value as it gets older and will never ever be in danger of being "outdated". Art has a permanent place in history, it's a piece of somebody's soul, somebody's cultural imprint and somebody's life and that can never ever be quantified in terms of relevance. It is history. Granted a car is a product of engineering brilliance too, but eventually it is a combination of parts put together by a factory of various machines and hence it loses out on this aspect of the debate.

2. car v/s/ painting - Appreciation vs Depreciation:

Approaching the above point of relevance with time from another angle, we come to the point of valuation of the two as a result. Common sense dictates, that the value of a car as a result of it's wear and tear, downward trail in the market, and decreasing efficiency will always, always depreciate and will never be able to climb up the ladder in terms of return on investment. For a car, it's science that determines the factors leading to it's depreciation. For art however? It is never science, it is a legacy. A legacy that consists of a storyteller- the artist, the story- the painting and the beauty of expression. You can't put a price on legacy, you can't put a price on tradition and hence art will always rise in value through the passing of time, even decades.

3. car v/s painting - significance of investment:

Another extremely important financial aspect to consider, buying a painting is simply a one time investment. You sow a single seed and reap the benefits for years. You are in complete possession of the painting, but also, once it becomes an integral part of a dinner-party story passed on through the generations, there is no comparison in terms of sentimental value. Paintings are treated with the same emotional value as jewelry. They're passed on from grandparents to children, between in-laws and act as a symbol of family. Whereas when it comes to buying a car, your investment doesn't stop at the time of purchase. Owning a car is a long term investment with constant costs of maintenance and fuel which tend to burn a hole in your pocket.

4. car v/s/ painting - Effect on the Environment:

When it comes to the environment, our personal vehicles are a leading cause of global warming. Cars consume a lot of energy before they're even on the road. The production of automobiles leaves a large footprint on the account of most materials used in said production needing to be created. Steel, rubber, glass and plastics are a few perpetrators so to speak. In addition to this, the end of a car's life brings about a whole other set of environmental problems. Toxic battery acids as well as plastics may stay in the environment for years to come. Of course, this is only about 20% of a car's environmental impact. The remaining 80% comes from fuel consumption and emission which leads to air pollution and global warming.

Travel and getting from place A to B is the main agenda behind owning a car. With a rapidly emerging public transportation system, the need for a personal vehicle will soon be redundant. It is a much more cost effective mode of transport and also gives you additional time in the day. Making use of public transportation helps you save time, money and all the energy spent engaging with traffic. A painting's impact on the environment? The difference is chalk and cheese. A tweak in the materials used to produce a painting manages to do the trick and minimizes the impact of paints on the environment. Low VOC paints and eco friendly materials are of course the way to go.

5. car v/s/ painting - Effect of the investment on Mental Health:

The presence of a painting in your home brings about such a serenity. It brings so much character to your home, layers of identity almost.

It not only gives your home a makeover, it also gives your mood and your vibe a makeover every time you step into your home or come across the piece of art. It is scientifically proven that just by being exposed to art and by looking at art, people can momentarily forget about their illnesses. It also lowers our stress hormone cortisol and gives them an outlet to express their feelings and experiences. Just imagine! The presence of art in your sight can also increase your levels of dopamine in the brain and improve your critical thinking skills. This is the power of art. It's more than just a home decor accessory.

It's a gateway to imagination, prosperity and happiness. As a concept, as a practical choice and as a long term purchase, buying a piece of art over buying a car? Yes, yes and yes.


Interior Designing


Art As An Investment