Art In Indian Education System

Art has been taught for at least 100,000 years. One of the oldest art schools in the world is The Paris Fine Art School which was established in 1682. The most present public art schools are over two centuries old. Some of those schools were called academies and were prestigious institutions, devoted to the education of great painters or sculptors. The Government College of Art & Craft in Kolkata is one of the oldest art colleges in India. It was founded on August 16, 1854, at Garanhata, Chitpur. Scindia School, founded in 1897, was a school we associated with, for our art camps during 2007, 2008, and 2009. 

Nowadays, schools can teach art and educate students about art through slideshows, videos, etc. A teacher today is in a better position in terms of the availability of resources compared to their peers 10-20 years ago. Art education policies, curriculum guidelines, and teaching strategies are framed and implemented in such a way it creates a huge gap. Technology enables new ways of making art, teaching techniques, interactivity, and creating immersive environments for art teachers and students. Due to infrastructural concerns, technology has also built a digital barrier or divide. 

Unfortunately, Art education has already been relegated to a marginal position in India whereas it should be occupying a significant position in the contemporary curriculum. Art widens our horizons and lets us find ourselves. Art helps the student to understand that there are multiple ways to express themselves and no one way is better than the other. Art generates curiosity. Art makes it possible to think out of the box, challenge, explore, introspect, and do all of this, through play and fun. By offering them practical intensive training programs, exposure to art and cultural opportunities, time for study, and deliberation, we also need to inspire teachers. There are many schools in small towns and cities in  India which do not offer arts as a subject. Whereas in Rural India, there are numbered schools itself, let alone art schools.

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