Paintings That Will Dominate Your Home In 2022

As other areas of our lives change, we tend to establish our favourite colours and remain with them. As we enter the year 2022, we at Pranjal Arts provide you with the hues of various artworks for each month that will enhance your home decor and bring joy, splendour, and a sense of peace to your houses.

January:- Purple 

Keep your problems at bay this year and begin anew. The first step you can take to create the atmosphere more vibrant and soothing is to hang admirable purple colour paintings in your home, which will add liveliness and spice to your life. Purples can provide a great contrast to other colors in a painting. Purple is the hue of wise decision-making. It's the colour of those who are looking for spiritual fulfillment. It is believed that keeping a purple painting in your yoga room will bring you peace of mind. As a result, purple is an excellent colour for meditation.

February:- Deep red

Valentine's celebration begins in the month of  February, so if you would want to create a romantic atmosphere at home, you could choose red-themed artwork. Love and desire are associated with the colour red. The spiritual representation of red is power, energy, vitality, dominance, and passion. When a spiritual sign appears in your house that is red, it usually represents that you are ready to take action on a new goal or project that you have been putting off.

March:- Light Blue

As summer approaches and the chill of winter dissipates, the colour blue evokes a sense of refreshing openness and expansiveness. The water and the sky come to mind. Blue is a contemplative colour that is soft, soothing, compassionate, and kind. Bedrooms and spas frequently have blue paintings.

April:- White

White is associated with innocence and virginity, purity, loyalty, and tranquility in many civilizations. White home decor artworks are emblematic of joy in the West when it comes to births, baptisms, Easter celebrations, and weddings. Our painting titled, “Clarity” made by artist, Yusuf is a celebration of clear purpose and thought. 

May- Green 

Green has a warming as well as a cooling effect. Green is the colour of harmony, balance, and security for this reason. To suggest a sense of equilibrium, promote a need for change or progress, or provide protection from concerns and anxieties, use green-colored artwork in your study rooms. The colour green represents a lot of sunshine and happiness in one's life. Green leaves painting by Neeru Singh spells abundance,and is perfect for your mid-year blues. 

June- Light purple 

June, the first month of the monsoon season, has a lot to offer you in terms of spiritual growth and occult tendencies. Having a wonderful purple home decor motif this month symbolizes how the rain ishes away all your previous difficulties and makes you strong and worthy to achieve anything that comes your way. Purple evokes an intuitive sense of serenity and harmony while also evoking a sense of independence. Light purples, for example, are associated with lighthearted, romantic energies, thus purple paintings in the living room should be preserved since they radiate positive energy.

July- Red 

July, the month of laziness and exhaustion, can be avoided by decorating one's home with red-themed artwork that will infuse vitality and passion into one's life. It's a skin-flattering colour that works well as a backdrop. In this painting, the darker reds evoke a sense of restrained opulence and force. Red evokes a straightforward personality with a love for life.

August- Yellow

August, the autumnal month, symbolizes the preservation of life and its essentials. Autumn is linked to feelings of bravery and grief. This yellow painting brings brightness and happiness into your home, as well as a good view of life, keeping any sadness away. Yellow is the most apparent colour in the visible spectrum, and the human eye notices it the most. This yellow painting belongs in the verandah or main hall. Yellow is thought to strengthen nerves, increase laughing, enjoyment, and joy, as well as stimulate communication and collaboration.

September:- Gold

Works of art integrating gold have had a variety of objectives throughout human history, ranging from religious displays to shows of economic power and luxury. Since gold is a regal colour, this painting is a must-have for anyone who values health,wealth, and prosperity.

October:- Pink 

Since October is the month of Diwali celebrations, this painting would look great in your home decor to add that festive feel. pink-hued painting conjures up images of modesty and innocence. Since ancient times, it has been described in the literature. This pink artwork is the perfect fit for your wall decor if you want to offer your home a new view of English renaissance time as well.

November:- Orange

Orange instills a sense of passion while still retaining a sense of balance and stability. The colour orange is associated with patriotism and a rebellious attitude. The lighter orange or peach-orange in this picture is a relaxing tone that allows you to unwind. Although the meaning of the orange colour varies, it does appeal to the eye more than its contextual depiction. Orange is a versatile colour that can be mixed and matched with other colours to change the look of a room.

December:- Dark Blue

December is associated with Christmas celebrations and thanksgiving ceremonies, and the greatest gift is a painting that evokes a sense of melancholy. Blue denotes contemplative trips and symbolises knowledge and depth of understanding towards the end of the year. Unless you portray it with a relevant concept, blue is rarely employed in kitchen settings. Colors with brighter gradations, such as Prussian or turquoise, can be used in the kitchen. Furthermore, blue is a very official, mild, and reasonable color that detracts from the qualities of kitchen activities. As a result, it's mostly employed to get reception desks and other formal equipment.


Metropolitan Museum Of Art


Neoclassical Paintings