Is Art a Necessity or a Luxury?

Is Art a necessity or a luxury? Do we really need art like we need art, food, and shelter? In order to understand an answer for this, we need to look at the terms, necessity and luxury first. Luxury is something that you don't really need. By this definition, there are a lot of things that fall into this category. Likewise, necessity is something that we need. We need shelter; we need protection from the elements; we need food; we need water; we need air. That being said, the shelter could be a hovel, but as long as it keeps us warm and dry, then anything more is a luxury. Similarly, in terms of food we just need a staple diet, but still we go on to indulge in a dessert, or a pizza. 

So, with that logic art could be termed as a luxury that you do need. Perhaps, you want something on your wall that makes you smile and feel happy every time you look at it. That's a painting. You don't eat it, wear it, or live inside it, so it's technically a luxury, but if it makes you happy, you should have it. And if you are an artist who creates beautiful paintings, sculptures, watercolors, drawings, and the like, then be proud of what you offer the world around you: a luxury, but a necessary one.

On the contrary, you could argue that art is neither a need nor a luxury. Usually, art is a natural accessory to human life. While art is not necessary for basic existence, it is definitely an accessory that can make life more meaningful, understandable and attractive. In that sense we can safely assume that art is a necessary part of our world.

Art is a necessary part for our mental wellbeing, a necessary tool for reflection, interaction and empathy, and a catalyst for change. By striving to make art accessible, engaging and stimulating for everyone, art practitioners believe the field is changing: It is moving toward less exclusivity, more access. “Art is for everyone, art world or otherwise and the art market would do well to begin to embrace this mantra instead of sales purely through the old-school art world routes.” Marine Tanguy, delivers a united and professional platform for their own voices and art, in the UK.

Everyday factory art vs independent artists. Walmart vs locally owned store. You need art. It’s just a matter of how much you want to spend. So don’t deny the positive impact art has on you. Acknowledge that we do need art. Try to stretch a little in your consumption. Maybe once is while you can afford an independent one of a kind art. 


Artist Talks : Guest Artist, Amit Kalla


Alcohol Ink Art